Harvest: 2021
Country: Rumunia
Lot number: 106-2021 AKA
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Acacia honey is one of the most popular honeys on the market. It is obtained from the nectar of the locust locust, also known as false acacia or locust tree. Due to the significant advantage of fructose, it takes a long time to crystallize.

Acacia honeyis one of the most popular honeys on the market. It is obtained from the nectar of the locust locust, also known as false acacia or locust tree. Due to the significant advantage of fructose, it takes a long time to crystallize.
The taste is very delicate and mild. This is the only type of honey where we do not feel any bitterness at all. It is easily digestible. Especially liked by children.

Composition and properties of acacia honey:
Acacia honey contains a lot of vitamins (A, B, C, E, H, PP) and beneficial micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, iron).
Has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties
Due to the high level of iron, it has a beneficial effect on health in people with anemia. It increases the amount of hemoglobin, i.e. improve blood quality, strengthens blood vessels and improves blood pressure
Recommended for the treatment of all respiratory diseases
· Recommended as a sweetener for diabetics
· Large amounts of micronutrients aid digestion
Thanks to the high calcium content, honey improves the condition of nails and teeth,
Supports the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma and conjunctivitis,
Helps in the treatment of all skin diseases
Increases sperm activity, so it is worth using it as an aphrodisiac,
· Strengthens the heart muscle, cleans the bile ducts and the liver.
In addition: strengthens immunity, adds energy, helps to balance the body, improves digestion, has a soothing effect on gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, and colon ulcer, has a diuretic effect, has an antibacterial effect on the reproductive system in women, normalizes the hormonal balance and regulates the menstrual cycle , soothes menstrual cramps, helps in recovery after miscarriages, relieves stress, calms, restores restful sleep, helps in wound healing, reduces inflammation, eliminates bad breath, reduces caries.

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