Harvest: 2021
Country: Litwa
Lot number: 108-2021 GRY
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Buckwheat honey, which is harvested from the nectar of buckwheat flowers, is a real natural remedy. It is widely considered one of the most useful types of honey.

Buckwheat honey, which is harvested from the nectar of buckwheat flowers, is a real natural remedy. It is widely considered one of the most useful types of honey. It has twice as many amino acids and elements as other species. It also has a different color and flavor. This variety is most often used in the treatment of beriberi and hypertension, anemia and skin diseases, colds and protein metabolism disorders. Excellent properties of buckwheat honey:

  • brown to black color, due to saturation with minerals; therefore it is darker in color than other varieties,
  • it owes its aroma to buckwheat flowers, and here it offers a real bouquet of shades. The rich, lively aroma makes it easier to distinguish buckwheat honey from other varieties,
  • has a truly rich taste with mild bitterness, with a delicate cognac aftertaste, leaves a feeling of a delicate scratching in the throat,
  • quickly crystallizes (in just a few weeks) and becomes heterogeneous.

Buckwheat honey has a high content of elements such as iron, chromium, boron, phosphorus, calcium and zinc. What is the use of buckwheat honey? The beneficial properties of honey allow it to be used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • Like any other variety, buckwheat has natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties - it is worth using in the fight against colds and viral diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes, to remove inflammation and quickly heal the skin. The use of bee products during colds helps to reduce pain and irritation of the larynx and stop the development of pathogenic flora on the oral mucosa and in the throat,
  • saturated with vitamins and trace elements, this honey effectively prevents hypo- and avitaminosis, strengthens immunity and the development of the vital forces of the body. For this reason, it is recommended to use it during an epidemic of flu and colds, in the recovery phase after diseases or simply to strengthen the whole body,
  • the product should be administered to people suffering from various types of cardiovascular diseases and hypertonia: the substances contained in it not only strengthen and make the vascular walls elastic, but also help lower blood pressure and increase the effect of antihypertensive drugs. Contraindications: low blood pressure.
  • high levels of iron and amino acids have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system, therefore, since ancient times, buckwheat honey has been prescribed as an auxiliary in the treatment of anemia: it stabilizes the blood composition and supports the production of hemoglobin,
  • in the case of gastric ulcers, gastritis and various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of this type of sweet drug will help relieve inflammation of the mucosa, improve intestinal peristalsis and absorption of nutrients.

Buckwheat honey is especially beneficial for people suffering from anxiety, stress and insomnia: take a few teaspoons before going to bed with warm milk and tea. This will help the body relax, relieve tension and fall asleep quickly. The useful properties of buckwheat honey cannot be overestimated: research by Japanese scientists proves its ability to cope with the effects of radiation exposure. Buckwheat also helps to remove radionuclides, so it is recommended for people exposed to frequent harmful radiation, such as radiologists.

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