Quality control

Quality control of honey from ukraine


In Ukraine

  • Taking honey samples from each package, even at the Ukrainian beekeeper. Before an exporter from Ukraine buys honey, the proper analyzes are carried out in the exporter's laboratory;
  • Sample analysis of the finished honey batch in the exporting company's production laboratory;
  • Analysis of a sample of a honey batch (20 Mt) in an independent accredited Ukrainian laboratory of the National Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise (Ukraine);
  • Sample analysis of a honey batch (20 Mt) in European laboratories: QSI GmbH (Bremen, Germany), Intertek Food Services GmbH (Bremen, Germany), Eurofins Food Integrity Control Services GmbH (Ritterhude, Germany).

On the ukrainian-polish border

  • Honey samples are taken by a Polish veterinarian (on the Ukrainian-Polish border) and then they are sent to a Polish laboratory for qualitative analysis;
  • Taking samples of WIJHARS honey and sending them for further research to a laboratory in Poland;
  • Controlling of veterinary documents by a Polish veterinarian, including the quality certificates of the barrel in which the honey is transported.

In Poland

  • Our specialists collect honey samples from each barrel in a batch of goods and send samples to an independent European laboratory like : QSI, Intertek, Eurofins or Floramo to confirm the quality of the product;
  • We order honey tests according to physicochemical parameters, pollen analysis, the content of antibiotics, sulfonamides and pesticides in the product (over 600 substances, including glyphosate), and we order honey test package for counterfeiting, which includes honey samples tested by NMR and C13.

If the quality of the honey does not meet European and our high standards, the batch of honey is returned to the supplier!


Audit and belt inspection

  • Audit of apiculture methods;
  • Audit of equipment used for honey collection and packaging;
  • Honey storage conditions;
  • Product Harvest Location.

After the positive results of the audit, the beekeeper is entered on the list of approved Mr. PolBee honey suppliers.

Checking the quality of honey from a beeberry in a European laboratory

  • Our specialists take samples of honey from each batch and send them to an independent European laboratory for testing.
  • Only after the quality of the honey is confirmed, we buy the goods from the European beekeeper.

Quality control of honey after packaging in unit packaging

  • Sampling and analysis in an independent European laboratory.

You can find the results of the quality control on our website or get more information directly from our employee.

The honey quality control system at Mr. Polbee guarantees the highest quality honey. Our honey is controlled at every stage of its journey - from the apiary to your table!